The government has not raised the wage floor since 2009, and many full-time minimum wage workers find themselves living below the poverty threshold. 自2009年起,政府就再也没有提高过工资下限,而许多拿着最低工资的员工发现自己已经生活在了贫困线以下。
Spaniards are already reeling from a July round of cuts that eliminated Christmas bonus pay for public employees, lowered unemployment benefits and raised sales taxes, bringing new pain to wage earners hit by public-sector pay reductions two years ago. ' 在那一轮紧缩措施中,政府雇员的圣诞节奖金被取消,失业救济金被降低,销售税被提高,这给那些受两年前公共部门减薪冲击的工薪阶层带来了新的痛苦。
Thats why, since the last time this Congress raised the minimum wage, 19 states have chosen to bump theirs even higher. 这就是为什么上次国会提高最低工资标准后,有19个州又在此基础上额外提高了标准。
In July, Zambia raised the minimum wage for different work classes by 67% on average. 今年7月,赞比亚提高了不同工种的最低工资水平,平均增幅达67%。
In desperation she raised the wage she was offering but she was still refused. 实在无法了,她决定提高工资,但还是遭到了拒绝。
A nice problem, moreover, will be raised by the relief program designed to take care of the unemployment caused by the minimum wage law. 此外,实施旨在处理好最低工资法导致失业问题的救济方案,还会引发出令人费解的问题。
The central government has cranked up interest rates, banned the hoarding of staple foods, raised subsidies to low-income families and increased the minimum wage. 中央政府已经提搞了利率,禁止囤积主要的粮食,对低收入家庭提供补贴并且提高最低工资。
Eastern Jiangsu Province, which exports more than Brazil and South Africa combined, raised its monthly minimum wage rate by 13 per cent to RMB 960 ($ 140) last week. 上周,出口超过巴西和南非两国总和的江苏省,将每月最低工资标准提高13%至960元人民币(合140美元)。
It also raised the supernumerary City sanitation workers the basic wage. 福州市还提高了编外环卫工人的基本工资。